The Class Menagerie Classic!
The Class Menagerie ... Classic?! What's this all about? Read this and find out!

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Undoubtedly everyone is aware of today's events. I originally had a more artistic image in mind, but the computer probably wasn't up to handling it, unfortunately. My bud Ed K. (yes, the partner in crime who's been a good source of inspiration in other projects, such as Resid-Ant Evil and Gridiron but chooses to remain unlinked still, dangit ;-) came up with this suggestion over the weekend.  Since I am rather late in the game, I figured it would be more appropriate and unique to make a tribute to the participants in the rescue efforts, and ran with his idea instead. Although many of us are struggling to get back into a daily routine, the ordeal is not over for everyone yet; some are still sifting through the wreckage for survivors, tending to the week, or helping us preserve our sense of sanctity within our borders. Although it has been stated before, this image is intended to reiterate that the terrorist attack was intended to break our spirit...but instead, it has brought out the best in America's finest.
 AUG   September 2001   DEC
September 11, 2001

The first comic Today's comic


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