The Class Menagerie was a semi-daily webcomic, running rougly January 1998 thru November 2002. Originally a pet project of creator Vince Suzukawa, the updates started out sporadic and disorganized; gradually the strip and storylines took shape as Vince became more focused. By the end of its run there was a reasonable sense of linearity to the plots, but only after a lot of bouncing back and forth. The strips were reshuffled into their proper order in the archives, which no doubt confused long-time readers.
The Classic moniker came when the strips were re-run from 2003 to 2005, now in their proper storyline order. So the order you currently see them here are the best order they can be in, and they'll stay here as a permanent archive on Keenspot.
If you're new to the The Class Menagerie, there won't be any more updates, but please enjoy the archives!