Just an update to questions I've been getting a lot lately:
1) www.theclassm.com will remain on Keenspot. They do keep archived strips up on the web, so The Class Menagerie will have a home online indefinitely.
2) I have no plans for a hard copy book. The crossover strips I did with Suburban Jungle and Newshounds appeared in their books, and quite frankly look terrible reprinted. I was not a very good inker at the time, apparently, and my thin linework simply does not scan and reproduce well. I wouldn't force anyone to buy a book of those strips. Thus, sorry, you cannot expect a book. I am still considering a CD-ROM, but it's rather low on my priorities, because...
3) I'm trying to get into more comic-book style projects. I am the current lead artist on Buffalo Wings, the classic slice-of-life comic originally created by John Nunnemacher. I now perform a good portion of the artwork, which is supplemented by art by John himself and various other guest artists, for annually-released collections printed through Sofawolf Press. As other projects arise, I'll have more updates here.
That's it for now! I'm generally around Further Confusion and Anthrocon, as well as Midwest Furfest, so I'm not impossible to catch. See ya around!