The great Houdini/See spot. See spot run.

1030 HOURS

"NO!" Lisa rushed the turret, and jumped onto the back. "NO! You son of a…." She was in the process of ripping off the maintenance panel, when Kevin pried her off. She sank to her knees, saying, "I warned him…. I tried to warn him…I can’t believe it…"

Kevin inspected the half-pried-off panel. Using a screwdriver, he removed the panel, and then proceeded to cross wires.

"red to blue…white to pink…black to green…stand back."

"What did you do?" Cindy asked, absurdly calm after the carnage she’d just seen."

"I reversed the radar polarity…. It’ll register all friendlies as enemies…in about 3 seconds."

The gun turret sprang to life, spewing bullets around the entire hangar.


"Great work, Kev." Tony said, sarcastically, "You’ve just wiped out all the military vehicles along with the turrets…"

Lisa paid no attention to the two friends. She was more occupied with Damon. She rushed out to him, and collapsed in a sobbing heap on top of him, closely followed by Cindy. Almost immediately, Cindy noticed something odd. She leaned closer, and a small, bright point of hope shown – he was still breathing.

She slowly unbuttoned his vest, and pried it open…Body armor. 20 some odd bullets were stuck in a magnetic metal vest strapped to Damon’s torso.

"You can stop crying now, Lisa – He’s alive."


Damon slowly regained consciousness. "Who is the master who makes the grass green?" Damon muttered, obviously disoriented.

"DAMON! YAAAAAY!" Lisa almost killed Damon from lack of oxygen, she was hugging him so hard.

"Lisa…Lisa, honey, Damon can’t breath…gettoffme!" Damon struggled to his feet, inspecting his now torn-to-shreds vest.

"Gosh…. good thing I didn’t have any grenades left in those pockets, or I would’ve been a reddish smear across several tanks!"

Lisa still wouldn’t let go of his waist for anything until he threatened to get the Jaws of Life. The rest of the CM crew could barely believe that Damon survived such an onslaught of bullets.

"How the hell did you get that thing?" Asked Tony, skeptically.

"I stripped it off of the first guard I nailed, I thought it would be useful. Apparently, I was right."

After all of the hubbub died down, they set about finding a vehicle that wasn’t shot to pieces. Kevin opened up the hangar in the back, and disappeared into the gloom.

" GLEE!! HEY, GUYS! I found a car we can use!" Called Kevin.

"Why should we use that one, Einstein?" Tony called back, tauntingly.

"Because..." A new-looking Ferrari zipped into the hangar. In place of a radio and AC system, there were several complicated buttons and levers. "THIS ONE RUNS!!!! YEAAHA!"

There was barely enough room for the rest of the crew. Kevin punched a button and opened up the Garage door, finally to see the outside.

Kevin revved the engine. A chain-link fence blocked their exit. He spied a conveniently placed ramp, set up by an ignorant guard, who was playing with a skateboard.

Perfect. Kevin thought. He revved the engine again, let off the clutch, and BAROOM! The Ferrari blazed off the ramp, and into the air – unfortunately, not far enough. KARUNCH The car sailed through the chain-link fence, leaving several scratches across the sides. The car blew down the makeshift road at 300 MPH, towards the barely-visible bridge spanning the gorge between the two bases.

Another CRUNCH as the car blew through the checkpoint. Kevin barely had time to register the guard saying something about "retracting the bridge" before he was out of earshot. Then he realized what he meant. The bridge was sliding into the wall!

"KEVIN, LOOKOUT!" Dani screamed, and pulled on the back of his seat.

SCREE…silence The CM crew suddenly found themselves in a freefall.


Further behind enemy lines/TOUCHDOWN!

1200 HOURS

"YEAAAAHAHAA! Just like a roller coaster!" Kevin yelled, as the car plummeted the mile and a half to the gorge bottom


Kevin smiled. He punched a button, pulled a lever, and FOOMP several rocket pods slid from the side of the car, and as suddenly as they had fallen, they were rising again. "Bond. James Bond. J "

"What the…" Tony looked at the rapidly shrinking landscape. Then, he smiled. "Take that, 007!"

"Oh, I took the liberty of giving the car a thorough check over before I used it…It is a spy vehicle, after all." Kevin said, noting Cindy's puzzled look.

"Hehehe." Tony grinned, "You know you're an engineer geek when you know what HTTP:// means..."

"Hyper Text Transfer Protocol." Kevin said, quickly.

Lisa was clutching her heart, as Kevin performed several barrel rolls over the R&D Complex. Alice came over their radio again,

CHH Kevin, what in the world do you think you’re doing??? Get that car out the air, NOW! Did I just say car? Never mind, GET IT OUT NOW! CHH

Kevin punched up the intercom: "But why? This is SO much fun!"

4 tiny pinpoints of light flared up from the ground.

CHH that’s why. CHH

"We’re in deeeeep.."

Damon grabbed Kevin’s head, and yelled over the engine roar, "KEVIN! EVASIVE MANUVERS, NOW! NOW! NOW!

Kevin pushed the stick forward, plummeting the car back into the gorge, closely followed by the 4 missiles.

"Heat-seeking SOBs… see how you like this one!"

Kevin punched the airbrakes and pulled a half-barrel-roll, causing 2 missiles to overshoot, turn, and smash into the walls.

"Ha-HAH! Take that!!" He started forward again. He could still see the last 2 missiles on their way, as he zipped through the narrow canyon. He pushed it down lower, barely dodging the jutting rocks coming up out of the water.

It was Damon’s turn to yell at him. "KEVIN…watch the wall…wall...Wallwallwall WALL WALL WALL!!!"

Kevin pulled up at the last second.

Scrape…The tires hit the wall as he pulled up. "Why is the car driving on the wall?" Lisa, of course. The missile wasn’t so lucky.

KA-BOOMPH Through the rearview mirror, he could see the explosion. He leveled it off at about 6000 feet, high enough to keep the SAMs from firing.

"Well, that should about do it!"

"Uhh…Kevin, I don’t think so." Damon looked out the side window, at the fast approaching missile.

"What do you mean?"


The last missile barely connected with the right rear corner of the car. Almost all of the status lights went from green to red faster than a set of stoplights.

"ASHIT!" Kevin screamed, as the car lolled over onto its side, and fell.

"Full power to auxiliary thrusters…nothing…mayday! Healp!"

A feminine computer voice came over the comm.


"I KNOW THAT, YOU DITZY BLONDE!!" Kevin screamed. "Oh…. no offense, Cindy." Cindy was looking rather cross, despite all.

Kevin tried to retain what little control he could. He barely managed to get it on a semi-level flight path, and down to about 56 MPH, when…

CRUNCH…CRUMPLE…BOUNCE...SSSSSSsssss….The car hit the floor, bounced, flipped upside-down, and skidded into a boulder.


Long and complicated instructions

1300 HOURS

Tony awoke with a splitting headache. He put his hand up to wipe his nose, and it came away red. He looked around, noting his and the car’s position. He, along with Damon, Lisa, and Dani had been thrown away from the crash site. He slowly moved around, waking up everyone as gently as he could. He peeked inside the now totaled car. First thing he noticed, was that Kevin was hanging upside down by the straps, fully conscious, but slightly dazed. He pulled Kevin out, and then went in after Cindy…. Cindy was nowhere to be found.

"Cindy? CINDY! OY, CIN-"

"Not so loud please, I’m right here." She was behind the car, inspecting the contents of the Trunk.

"Geese, don’t scare me like that." A voice came back over the comm., it was Alice again.

CHH hullo? Is anyone still alive down there? Anyone? Hello? CHH

Tony tapped his earpiece, saying, "Yeah, we’re here, safe and sound."

CHH oh, thank goodness… CHH For some reason, Alice didn’t sound happy to hear from them.

"Well, it’s nice to hear from you, too…"

Kevin added sarcastically, "Yeah, we’re lucky that we had this big, fat, HONKIN’ ROCK here to gently break our fall!" Tony rolled his eyes. By now, everyone was fully conscious, and listening to the conversation Tony was having with himself. He noted their stares, saying, "Turn on your comm., it’s Alice again."

CHH Ok, listen up. You’ve still got those mini-TVs I packed, so get them out, I have new information on the base you’re going into. <Pause> Good. We just got this video clip back from the Pentagon, from the last group we sent into this base. (The TV showed something like out of the Blair Witch project, with a lot of running and blurry pictures. Suddenly, the picture sharpened as the camera-bearer let loose with an assault rifle at…something. He was looking at what appeared to be a large, metal Humanoid. Freeze screen) what you’re looking at there is a Cyborg. This place is infested with them, but you’ve got weapons against them. Resume Play (After several shots, the Cyborg fell. The camera-bearer turned around, only to be faced with something about twice as tall…and twice as scary. Freeze screen) that’s a Cyborg Dreadnaught. It’s got 2 bundles of 5 auto-cannons, be careful around it. It’s impervious to the weapons you have, but if you can get into it’s main hatch, it’s driven by a standard Cyborg. Kill it, and you’ll have full control of it…. or, you can just tear out a few wires, and watch it explode. ( Freeze Screen There was a sharp burst of fire, a scream, and the camera went blank) ok, you’re going to have to find an entry point somewhere, but here are your objectives (map) You’re going to need weapons, so check your pack. (Kevin unfurled a hefty gun, similar to an Assault Rifle) This fires special EMP blasts, which will disable anything electronic. Harmless to you, Deadly to them…Unfortunately, the same doesn’t go for THEIR bullets. For your first objective, you’re going to need to blow up the production and assembly plants ("glee!" Damon, of course.) You’re then going to have to take out the power plants. Then, take down the Radar stations. Unless you take out the Radars, I can’t reach you on this comm., so be sure to take it out. Its emitting scrambling waves that prevent any radar signals other than it's own to enter or exit the base. Take out the weapon facility, then the Cyborg Storage. Bypass the Main Room if you can, that’s where they hold most of their working Cyborgs. Once you’ve done this, head into the room in the back, retrieve the firing codes, and get the heck out of there. CHH

"Jeese, think she talks enough?" Damon, of course.

"Well, we’d best get started." Dani approached the front gate…. and stopped dead in her tracks.


"Oh, great."

A tricky entry/Fun with C4?

1400 HOURS

"Uh-huh. This is just what we need right now." Kevin peeked out from behind the car. "Dreadnaught." "Ok, Time to play! Dani, It’s already seen me, if you can get behind it while I distract it, just pop the back hatch and play with some wires. J " Kevin tossed Dani the screwdriver, then ran out from under the car. "HEY, METAL BOY! YER MOMMA WAS indecipherable computer language" That did it. The Dreadnaught was on him like white on rice…Kevin was just lucky he was a speedy guy.


Dani crept around the back, as quiet as…well…as quiet as a mouse. Using any foothold she could find, she scaled he back, popped the hatch and looked inside. "Uhh…which wire am I pulling here? There’s too many!"

"I don’t care, just pull some!!!"

Dani reached in, grabbed a handful of wires, and… "Forget this!!" KAAAZAPZAPZAPP Dani fired several EMP rounds into the circuitry. FFFZZZZZTTTCHHH!!! The ensuing fireball nearly fried Dani as the Dreadnaught lost control of its legs and went crashing into the ground. Tony walked up to it, unleashed his rifle, kicked in the window, and, whiiiiIIIINE BBBBZZZZRRRAPPH Fried Cyborg.

"Well, that was easy." Kevin’s comment earned a well-placed clipboard between the ears from Dani, who was trying to extinguish the small fire on the end of her tail.

"Well, now for the problem of getting in. We sure aren’t using the front gates," Lisa stewed. The front security gates were nearly 4 times taller than Tony.

"You know," Cindy said, "I think I saw some air vents n the roof. If we could get up there," Cindy was cut short by Dani throwing open her backpack, and retrieving a long rope and Grappling hook. "Hmm. How convenient. J "

Twiiiiirrrrllllll…. LATCH

Fun with rope. J

Again, Tony had problems with getting up the rope, as his bovine self kept threatening to break the rope. Once everyone else was on top, they had to manually haul Tony up. 5 minutes later, they were inside the complex.

One look inside told them why they needed rifles. ZAP! ZAP! 2 Cyborgs went down, 3 more appeared from side rooms. Kevin took aim with his rifle, and nailed one to the wall.

"Cover!" Autocannon tracers tore through the open air vent. One by one, the cyborgs dropped, and the CM crew slid down the rope into the gloom of the R&D Complex.

"OK: First objective, take out the Production and Assembly plants – shouldn’t be too hard to do…" Dani peeked into the room beside theirs. "Or not." 5 more Cyborgs were crammed into the research facility. "Ok, let’s explore the production plant then…."

The production labs were empty, accept for the machinery laying Cyborg body parts onto a conveyor belt. "So, how do we blow this thing and get the heck out without getting fried?" "Time to consult the ‘all-knowing backpack’!" Lisa looked inside her pack, and pulled out something large and black. It was round in shape, with a silver cap, 2 oblong indentations in the center, and 2 feet-like attachments at the bottom. (Remind you of anything?) Damon smiled. "Lisa, you’re a genius!"

"I Am?" Damon grabbed the device, pulled off the cap, and slid it onto the conveyor belt. "RUN!" Hesssssssssssssss….ticka ticka ticka tickatickaticka…

"DUCK AND COVEEER!" KA-RUNCH with a deafening explosion, the doors to the Assembly and Production plants blew off their hinges, closely followed by Cyborg body parts.

"Well, that was…fun." Kevin smiled. "I gotta get me some of those…"

Power shortage/Questionable Ethics

1500 HOURS

Next objective: The power plant. Dani knew they had to blow the generators to get past the security gates, but they had NO idea how to do it. The answer came in the form of a very large surprise.

There was only one way to shut off the power generators and shut down the SAM sites – the switch in the back.

Dani turned to Damon.

"I’m going to need you to cover me here. There’s only room for one person to get through. Any more and it’ll get messy. I’m trusting you to keep them off me…"

Damon saluted smartly and walked up the stairs to his right.

Dani started her march across the room. Damon used his own rifle and his set of binoculars to cover her.

"Dani! Check your 6!" Dani spun partially to the right. A Cyborg was coming up behind her.


Finally, Damon had to take it down himself.


"Why didn’t you tell me you were using a dial direction?"

Damon looked at the ceiling in exasperation.

"DANI, 12 HIGH! 12 HIGH!"

Dani looked up – Cyborgs dropped from the ceiling on ropes.

"AK!" Dani dived and rolled, using their temporary confusion to her advantage.

ZAP! A Cyborg fell from the rope, smashing to pieces on the floor.

"GUYS, I COULD USE SOME BACKUP HERE!" Damon yelled back at the rest of the crew. Dani was now waist deep in Cyborgs.


3 minutes, and most of the Cyborgs were gone. Of course, most of them shot themselves…. Dani resumed her trek.

"Dani, you have one on your 9, You’re being flanked from the 3…" Dani rolled, and the Cyborg’s bullets meant for her hit each other.

"Crack…. DANI, LOOKOUT! 9, 5, 6, and 4!!"

it was too late, they were on top of Dani before they could blink.

ka-ZAP one went down.

ZAMPH Dani nailed one.

Two more had Dani at point blank range.


2 Cyborgs crashed against the wall, gaping holes in them.

"RAIL GUN! What the hell???"

A stealthy figure crept backwards into the shadows.

Dani had reached the switch.


The generators powered down. The lights went out, and the Crew was plunged into darkness.



"Not again." Dani.

Flick Headlights flipped on from the Dreadnaught.

She found herself kissing the Kneecap of a Dreadnaught.

"AAAIIII! SCATTER!" With a scream, Dani ran in the general direction of the front door. The Dreadnaught sat in the middle of the 4 power generators and started playing "bop the mouse". Dnni would pop up; KAAAAAAAAAABAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM an insane amount of gunfire ripped up the spot where Dani was a moment ago. Soon, Dani was almost out.

"CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, METALHEAD! YEAAAAHAHAHAHA!" With an insane laugh, she dashed across the Dreadnaught’s field of view.


The burst of fire caught the base of a power generator, causing it to tip over towards the second. An electric blue arc caused the second to overload, explode, setting the 3rd and 4th tipping over. Soon, the Dreadnaught was boxed in. THOOM…THOOM…THOO-TZZZZZZAP! The metal body finally got close enough to conduct the electricity. With that, it fell to the floor with a deafening crash.

Backup generators activated, and dim lights turned on.

Dani lay sprawled across the entryway. "I’ve got to stop doing this..." She thought to herself. Cindy peeked inside. The hollowed-out shell of the Dreadnaught was still smoldering.

"Now THAT’s a bug zapper!" She smiled.

Now that she was calm again, she noticed a door set into the back.

"Hey, Damon! Tony! Lisa! Come look at this!" She pushed the door open. The immediate smell made them all recoil.

"Waste storage. Yuk." What was worse, was several scared looking furries came out dressed in Scientist clothes, looking thoroughly shaken up. Only the last one out stopped to talk, a severely undersized Mink.

"If you’re intent on reaching the exit, you’ll have to somehow block off the Main Room. That’s where they keep most of their running Cyborgs. It would be best if you destroyed them, but trapping them is good. Can’t talk, gotta go, bye!" He said all of this very fast.

"What did he say?" Kevin asked, puzzled.

"I dunno. Something about visiting someone in the Main room…worry about that later." Lisa waved him off, and tromped down the hallway. The biggest mistake was soon to come


Radar Silence

1800 HOURS

The next objective was to shut down the radar room. However, they had to get past one last little problem…


Sigh… when was the insanity going to end? The CM crew ducked into the Repair bay, leaving the Dreadnaught to its patrol route. Lisa was the first to notice the air vent.

"I think this air vent leads to the other side of that door, and it’s big enough for all of us to fit through! Yay!"

Tony wasn’t too sure, but Lisa was already halfway in, so he couldn’t argue.

They dropped to the floor behind a set of boxes. Damon set out a game plan.

"OK: Lisa, myself, and Kevin will break right, Tony, Cindy and Dani, break left. Go out firing, but try not to make too much noise, or you’ll attract that blasted Dreadnaught. Break!"

In 3 minutes, the firefight was over. They put those guns to some good use, but they were getting low on power. Cyborgs lay on the floor, their circuitry frizzing out, threatening to catch on fire. All, of course, as silently as possible. The radar room was nearly the last objective.

"OK, new problem." Dani peeked in. "How do we shut them down? The place is packed!" Kevin reached into his pack, and attached a cylinder to the front of his rifle. He dropped to the floor…held the trigger…

BbbbsssssszzzzZZZRRRAAAA.. A ball of blue light appeared… THOOMP The shock wave made it look like there should be at least SOME sound to it, but it was completely silent. 4 hidden Cyborgs fell, and so did 2 radar outposts. Or at least their monitors did.

"You know, sometimes I think this is beginning to get TOO easy." Kevin said, as he detached the cylinder.

"Now how did you know about that attachment?" Tony asked, looking suspicious. Kevin pulled out a small, white pamphlet from his pocket.

"I read the user’s manual. Duh."

Cindy goes postal

1900 HOURS

"You know, I wonder why that scientist guy wanted us to go in here." Tony thought out loud. "I thought Alice told us NOT to go in here." (The security door slid easily open)

"I guess she did, but the locals know best, let’s at least check it out." Dani said.

Wrong Move.

The CM crew found themselves facing down 40 Cyborgs.

"Oh shi-" Kevin was pulled backwards by Tony into the lounge, cutting him off. They set up a heavy table against the opening, hoping it would be enough to stop the heavy rain of bullets. The room was small, so Cindy got stuck closest to the door.

"Oh great" Lisa muttered, "I am SO going to kill that mink when I get out of here…" The sound of autocannon rounds striking the makeshift door was the thing most of them heard…then…

"AIIIEEE!" Cindy shrieked. A 2-inch hole had appeared in the door.

"Crack, that one has a laser!" Tony cried, peeking out the window. They seemed to be laughing at them.

"They shot my hair." Cindy inspected her hair. Sure enough, there was a 2-inch hole through the back of her mane.


"Yes, Cindy, that’s apparent." Kevin rolled his eyes.

Cindy, the natural peacemaker of the group, finally unleashed her gun.

"They’re going to pay for that…"


She smashed a hole into the table with the butt of her rifle, and stuck her head partially through.



Through the new horse-shaped door in the table, they could see Cindy taking her stand in the middle of the room.


Gunfire, punctuated by a Maniacal laugh, cut out any further derogatory comment.



Gunfire was the only sound heard for the next 2 hours.


Tony peeked out the new door. Cindy was in the middle of the room, cradling a rifle, surrounded by several hundred Cyborgs

"Daaaaaaaaam…. Remind me not to mess with your hair, Cindy." Tony slid out of the door. Apparently, his appearance startled Cindy, because:


Tony got a taste of EMP. He was just lucky it was ONLY EMP.

"Omygod…I’m sorry…I didn’t hurt you, did I?" Cindy dropped the gun.

Emerging from the lounge was like emerging from a bomb shelter after a nuke hit. EVERYTHING was demolished.

Dani’s last stand

2100 HOURS

The stage of the final conflict was nearly complete. Before the CM crew was set 2 corridors, Equally run down, Equally dark, Equally menacing….but holding different threats altogether.

"Ok. We have no idea where these corridors go." Said Dani. "So, here’s what we should do: Tony, Cindy, and myself will take the corridor on the right. Kevin, Damon, and Lisa go down the other."

Tony looked rather resentful about being separated from Kevin (hey, those claws are useful sometimes) but liked the prospect of being with Cindy, so there were no complaints.

Dani’s trip to the next room is rather uneventful, sparsely scattered with gunfire of course, but nothing serious. Kevin, on the other hand, I must dive into.

3 minutes down the corridor, 4 Cyborgs had fallen to the deadly EMP guns. Then, the dreaded THOOM. THOOM. THOOM.

Kevin was tired of these guys by this time. Poing…idea. (Close huddle, hushed talking).

2 minutes later, Kevin and Damon were holding onto a strong rope behind a box, keeping slack in it for Lisa to jump over.

Pittapattapittapattapittapattapittapattapittapatta….. THOMPH

"Did she just break the sound barrier?"

Lisa went rushing by Kevin’s position, closely followed by a THOOM. THOOM. THOOM…


The Dreadnaught got caught on the rope, and went sprawling face-first into the floor!

"You know, for being such a threat," Damon said, inspecting the circuitry, "This is a rather . . . . . unreliable setup."

Kevin and Damon, with much effort, rolled the giant Cyborg onto it’s back. Lisa jumped on top of it, and after popping the hatch, TZZAP

Grin "Chock up another kill for the good-guys," She said, as Kevin dragged the now-lifeless Cyborg out of it’s seat.

This has possibilities…


Dani could hear faint sounds of a battle going on, but wasn’t paying much attention to it. She stepped into the new room. Giant metal crates were stacked along either wall. She walked in close to one of them.

"Well, I’m supposed to be blowing these, up, so let’s try this conveniently placed ‘self destruct’ button!" She stepped in close to the box.

Warning…Proximity fuse broken. Initiating sequence!

"Oops?" Cindy said. Tony sighted down his gun over a box. Dani joined him.

Out of each box, 3 or 4, sometimes even 5 Cyborgs streamed. They were keeping the population down fairly low, for the time being, but they just kept streaming out.


Dani looked down, horrified at her gun. The ammo gauge was red.

"This was unexpected." The Cyborgs began their ceaseless march forward. Soon enough, both Tony and Cindy were out of ammo too.

"So, this is how it ends." Dani said to herself. "There’s no point in denying the inevitable…we’re dead." She walked in front of the box, and slumped to the floor.


"That tears it, I’m really dead now." She said to herself. A large door slid to the ceiling, revealing a Dreadnaught, looking rather unhappy.

"*Sigh* Take me now, lord…Waitaminute, what am I saying??? I’m not going down without a FIGHT!" she jumped to her feet and charged the nearest Cyborg, her clipboard raised.

THONK The Cyborg easily threw her backwards into the boxes. Her vision wavered.

"Ok, fine, now I’m doomed…"

Gunfire…Large masses of gunfire